Monday, November 3, 2008
Jovenes Para Cambio PowerPoint Presentation
Éste es un documento de PowerPoint que ilustra nuestros puntos principales y contornea nuestro trabajo
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Mestizo Arts and Activism Project
As part of the program the youth participants develop participatory action research projects based on their own concerns. In Spring 2008 the youth research teams investigated issues of access to higher education for undocumented students; stereotypes of immigrants and discrimination in Salt Lake City. In the process, young people frame the questions to be investigated, they document and analyze conditions in their local areas, identify priority issues affecting young people, and develop action plans to affect change in their community.
For more information about the Mestizo Arts & Activism program email us at:
Mestizo Artes y Activismo
Nuestro proyecto es un programa educativo de liderazgo que implica a los estudiantes en el lado oeste de Salt Lake City para crear cambio en la comunidad. El objetivo no es sólo aprender sobre las preocupaciones que tienen los jovenes por su comunidad, pero tambien tratar de hacer cosas para benificiar sus ciertos problemas. Usando los recursos de las comunidades diversas del lado oeste, el programa de mestizo artes y activismo es una sociedad de la universidad-comunitaria que dedica los recursos de sus socios: el instituto del mestizo para la cultura y los artes (MICA) y el instituto de la dirección del lado oeste de los socios de la vecindad de la universidad (UNP) y de NeighborWorks Salt Lake (NWS).
Como parte del programa, los participantes de la juventud desarrollan los proyectos de investigación basados en sus propias preocupaciones. En el año 2008 los equipos de investigación de la juventud investigaron como obtener acceso a una educación avanzada para estudiantes indocumentados; estereotipos de inmigrantes y de la discriminación en Salt Lake City. En el proceso, la gente joven enmarca las preguntas que se investigan, despues documentan y analizan condiciones en sus áreas locales, identifican prioridades que afectan a gente joven, y desarrollan planes de accion para hacer cambio en su comunidad.
Para más información sobre el programa mestizo artes y activismo envienos un correo electrónico a:
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Questions and Answers About House Bill 144
- Undocumented students include those students born outside of the United States; many of whom have lived in this country for a significant portion of their lives, and who reside here without the legal permission of the federal government. Some undocumnented students and their families entered the country on tourist or work visas and chose to stay in teh US after their visas expired. Others entered without any form of legal immigration status. (Olivarez, 2005)
- Your high school counselors and college advisors are equipped with valuable information and resources to help you apply for college and private scholarships. However, due to your undocumented status, notifying people about your status can be a scary and risky thing to do. If you feel more comfortable with your teachers, college recruiters, community members, etc. you can ask them for assistance in applying for college. Not everyone is familiar with the process by which undocumented students must navigate the educational system, so finding key people who know about HB 144 is important.
- Yes, there are some scholarships undocumented students can apply for, however, they must be private scholarships that are NOT administered through the University (Click Link). Undocumented students are not eligible for funding or financial aid through the US Government. These privately owned scholarships often award undocumented students scholarships and if questions about your SSN or parent’s income tax information are requested, contact the scholarship committee to see the best way to present this information.
- No, Undocumented students are not eligible to obtain fianacial aid from the US government
- Many times the college application and scholarships that request your SSN might state that it is optional. If it is a requirement for the college application, you can submit the HB 144 Affidavit worksheet with your college application to notify them that you qualify for in-state tuition but are not documented. If a scholarship is requesting your SSN, you can contact the scholarship organization and explain that you are a HB 144 student and ask for advice on what to do. If you decide not to contact the scholarship organization, you can leave the space blank.
- Attached to this resource guide you will find a sample affidavit to fill out. You can also request a HB 144 Affidavit at the admission office at most colleges and universities in the state of Utah.
- Once you submit your affidavit to your specific college or university, that institution will have your information on file but it is against the law for them to share that information with any other persons, organizations, or immigration agents. The only way that a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent will have your information, is for them to subpoena this information from the college or university admission office.
- Yes, if you are a U.S. Citizen, you are eligible to receive financial aid. If one or both of your parents are undocumented, you can enter 000-00-0000 for their SSN on the FASFA application process. (see this page for information about FASFA)
- No, undocumented students who qualify for in-state tuition must attend a Utah high school for three or more years, therefore meeting Utah residency requirements.
Preguntas y Respuesta Sobre HB 144
- El termino "indocumentado" incluye a aquellos estudiantes que nacieron afuera de los Estados Unidos; apesar que una gran cantidad de ellos han vivido en los EEUU la mayor cantidad de sus vidas el simple hecho que no tienen el permiso del govierno para vivir aca automaticamente los clasifica como indocumentados. Algunas personas indecumentadas entraron al pais con sus familias usando visas de trabajo o de turista y decidieron quedarse en el pais despues que la visa se expiro. Otros entraron al pais sin ningun documento migratorio legal.
- Tus consejeros de la preparatoria/escula secundaria estan equipados con mucha informacion valuable que te ayuda a aplicar para la Universidad y te ayuda a aplicar a becas privadas. Pero revelar tu estatus migratorio puede ser un riesgo, y algo que te puede dar miedo de hacer. Si te sientes comoda/o revelando tu estatos legal con un maestro, con tu consejero, o alguien que ofrece ayuda en tu comunidad, ellos te pueden ayudar a aplicar a la Universidad. No todas las personas estan informadas sobre programas, como HB144, a los que estudiantes indocumentados tienen el derecho a obtener; encontrar a una persona que este bien informada es importante.
- Si, hay unas cuantas becas a las cuales estudiantes indocumentados pueden aplicar; estas se llaman becas privadas NO administradas por la universidad (haga click). Estudiantes indocumentados no pueden aplicar a becas, ni recivir ayuda del govierno. Las becas privadas normalmente no te preguntan por tu seguro social (SSN), ni por los tasxes de tus padres, pero si te preguntan, no dudes en llamar a comite de la beca para preguntar cual es la major manera de presentar tu informacion.
- No, Estudiantes indocumentados no son elegibles para recibir ayuda del govierno federal de los Estados Unidos.
- La mayoria de veces cuando las aplicaciones piden tu numero de seguro social te dice que es opcional. Si te requieren poner tu numero, siempre puedes mandar tu HB144 Affidavit para avisarle al comite que apesar que eres indocumentado, la Universidad te a dado la opcion de pagar la colegiatura como alguien del estado. Si no quieres llamar al comite para pedirle ayuda, recuerda que siempre puedes dejar el espacio en blanco.
- En esta sguia puedes encontrar una copia del affidavit que puedes llenar. Tambien, puedes pedir que te manden un affidavit de cualquier Universidad de el estado de Utah.
- Cuando el “college” o Universidad reciba tu aplicacion ellos se van a quedar con ella como referencia pero esta contra la ley que ellos compartan esa informacion con quien sea. Personas, organizaciones, o agentes de imigracion no pueden confiscar esta informacion.
- Si, si eres un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos tienes el derecho a recibir ayuda governamental. Si uno, o tus dos padres son indocumentados puedes poner un 000-00-0000 en la aplicacion de FASFA.
- No, estudiantes indocumentados que califican para colegiatura del estado tienen que asistir a una perapartoria/colegio secundario en Utah por tres, o mas años consecutivos; y asi, cumpliendo con los requerimientos para la residencia de Utah.
Facts About House Bill 144
· Utah passed HB 144, providing in-state tuition for qualifying undocumented students, in 2002· In order to qualify for HB 144, a student must meet the following five requirements:o Student must have attended a Utah high school for three or more years.o Student must have graduated or attained the equivalent thereof, such as a High School Equivalency Certificate, issued by the Utah State GED Office.o Student must not be registered as an entering student at a Utah College or University before the Fall of 2002.o Student must have filed an application to legalize immigration status or will file an application as soon as the student is eligible.o Student does not currently have a valid Visa.· Ten states currently provide in-state tuition for qualifying undocumented students· There are various private scholarships that undocumented students qualify for to help pay for tuition costs.· There are currently 200 students who benefit from HB 144 throughout the state· There is no law that prohibits an undocumented student from attending college
Información Sobre HB144
- House Bill 144 (HB 144) es una ley en el estado de Utah que permite que estudiantes indocumentados pagen la colegiatura como residentes del estado.
- HB 144 paso en el año 2002 promoviendo colegiatura a los estudiantes indocumentados que califican. La ley tiene 5 requicitos para calificar 1. el estudiante debe atender una preparatoria en el estado de Utah por lo menos por 3 años consecutivos. 2. El estudiante debe graduarse de la preparatoria o recibir un certifido equivalente, dado por las oficinas de Utah State GED. 3. El estudiante debe de haber llenado una aplicacion para legalizar su estatus migratorio o prometer llenarlo al momento que califique. 4. El estudiante no debe de tener una Visa valida.
- Al momento hay diez estados que ofrecen colegiatura del estado ("In-state tuition") para estudiantes indocumentados.
- Hay varias becas privadas para los estudiantes indocumentados que les ayudan a pagar la colegiatura
- Al momento hay aproximadamente 200 estudiantes que se benefician del HB 144 en Utah.
- No hay ley que les prohiba a los estudiantes indocumentados de atender el colegio.
¡Aplicando a una universidad!
Haga una visita a la universidad para tener una idea de come es el ambiente, para saber si se sentiria comodo estando ahi. Si tiene alguna pregunta que quiera preguntar en la visita del colegio, no seria una mala idea escribirlas de antemano para no olvidarse de ellas. Si sabe lo que desea estudiar, trate de programar una cita con un consejero académico de ese departamento el mismo día en que usted visita el recinto universitario. Una buena forma de hacer esto es informandole al coordinador académico de sus intereses y lo que desea lograr durante su visita. De esta forma, el coordinador de la universidad puede personalizar su visita y asegurarse de que usted obtenga la máxima información posible.
Si hace una cita con cualquier departamento o programa, no se olvide de obtener una tarjeta de visita en caso de que tenga mas preguntas. También, aproveche esta oportunidad para preguntar si el departamento ofrece algun programa de verano ó becas a las que usted podría calificar.
Al final del año académico tendrá una buena idea de la cantidad de financiación y becas que ha recibido. Visite el campus continuamente y contacte a los reclutadores de la universidad.
Una vez que haya elegido la universidad adecuada para usted, averigüe los plazos/pagos
para el nuevo año académico. Esos plazos podrían incluir: la registracion de las clases, la registracion de la vivienda escolar, la registracion para la orientación, etc … Usted puede encontrar detalles sobre los plazos en su carta de aceptación, pidiendoselo a su reclutador, o llamando la oficina de orientación. Pagar estos plazos es muy importante y debe intentar inscribirse a tiempo. Muchas veces, usted necesitará su número de identificación estudiantil e información de su registracion para poder inscribirse en una area especifica. Si necesita ayuda para registrarse en cualquier área específica, llame al departamento que usted se suscribio y ellos deben ser capaces de ayudarle.
Applying For College!
Start Applying for College!
It is a good idea to apply to more than one college. You want to have as much opportunities as possible. By applying to more than one college, you can apply for the different scholarships and programs that each school offers. Make sure to request campus information from each school to know what they offer and if their programs match what you plan to study.
Take a campus visit to have an idea of what the campus feels like and if you feel comfortable going there. If you have any questions you might want to ask during your college visit, make sure to have them written beforehand so that you do not forget them. If you know what major/minor/program you want to study, try to schedule a visit with an academic advisor from that department on the same day that you visit the college campus. A good way to do this is by informing the campus visit coordinator of what your academic interests are and what you want to accomplish during your visit. By doing this, the campus visit coordinator can personalize your visit and make sure you get the most information as possible.
If an appointment is made with any department or program, remember to get a business card from the people you talk to in case you need to ask any more questions. Also, use this opportunity to ask if the department offers any summer programs or scholarships that you may qualify for.
By the end of the academic year, you will have more of an idea of how much funding and scholarships you have received which will ultimately become one of the main factors in choosing what college you will go to. The campus visit and continuous contact with college recruiters and employees should also be taken into consideration when choosing your perfect college.
Once you have chosen which college is right for you, find out when important deadlines are for the new academic year. Such deadlines could include but are not limited to: signing up for classes, signing up for housing, signing up for orientation, etc. You can find out these deadlines in your acceptance letter/package from the college, asking your college recruiter, or calling the orientation office. These deadlines are very important and you should try your best to sign up on time. Oftentimes, you will need your student ID number and information to sign up for a specific area so remember to have it handy. If you need assistance in signing up for any specific area, call the department that you are signing up for and they should be able to assist you.
Es una buena idea aplicar a más de una universidad. Usted debe tener la mayor cantidad de oportunidades como sea posible. Aplicando a más de una Universidad le da la oportunidad de poder recibir diferentes becas e inscribirse a los diferentes programas que ofrece cada escuela. Asegúrese de solicitar información de cada escuela para saber lo que ofrece el colegio, sus programas, y si coincide con lo que planea estudiar.
Haga una visita a la universidad para tener una idea de come es el ambiente, para saber si se sentiria comodo estando ahi. Si tiene alguna pregunta que quiera preguntar en la visita del colegio, no seria una mala idea escribirlas de antemano para no olvidarse de ellas. Si sabe lo que desea estudiar, trate de programar una cita con un consejero académico de ese departamento el mismo día en que usted visita el recinto universitario. Una buena forma de hacer esto es informandole al coordinador académico de sus intereses y lo que desea lograr durante su visita. De esta forma, el coordinador de la universidad puede personalizar su visita y asegurarse de que usted obtenga la máxima información posible.
Si hace una cita con cualquier departamento o programa, no se olvide de obtener una tarjeta de visita en caso de que tenga mas preguntas. También, aproveche esta oportunidad para preguntar si el departamento ofrece algun programa de verano ó becas a las que usted podría calificar.
Al final del año académico tendrá una buena idea de la cantidad de financiación y becas que ha recibido. Visite el campus continuamente y contacte a los reclutadores de la universidad.
Una vez que haya elegido la universidad adecuada para usted, averigüe los plazos/pagos
para el nuevo año académico. Esos plazos podrían incluir: la registracion de las clases, la registracion de la vivienda escolar, la registracion para la orientación, etc … Usted puede encontrar detalles sobre los plazos en su carta de aceptación, pidiendoselo a su reclutador, o llamando la oficina de orientación. Pagar estos plazos es muy importante y debe intentar inscribirse a tiempo. Muchas veces, usted necesitará su número de identificación estudiantil e información de su registracion para poder inscribirse en una area especifica. Si necesita ayuda para registrarse en cualquier área específica, llame al departamento que usted se suscribio y ellos deben ser capaces de ayudarle.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. If I am thinking of going to college, do I have to wait until I am a senior to start planning and applying?
No, if you are considering attending college after high school graduation, it is best to start planning as soon as possible. You will want to start to visit colleges and find out more information. Your guidance counselor should help you to identify your personal goals through your Student Education Occupation Planning (SEOP) each year. Make sure to ask your guidance counselor for more information about college. You should also consider contacting the university’s outreach coordinators for more information about college –sometimes its best to go directly to the source. By contacting the university or college you are considering, you can request more information about what classes, majors, and programs are available. You can often search for the university/college on the internet and find out more information in the “prospective student” or "future students" sections.
2. What if I don’t know what I want to study or major in once in college?
As a college student, you will be required to take general courses which will meet your graduation requirements. The purpose of these classes is to allow you the opportunity to explore different fields in education and become well rounded. Take your first year as a college student to explore your options but make sure to talk to an academic advisor so that you receive guidance on what direction you should take. You may also want to find out if your college/university offers career exploration, advising and testing so you can use this resource to assist you in determining your major and/or minor.
3. What type of grades do I need to go to college?
It is always a great idea to do the best you can academically while in school. However, due to life circumstances, this is not always a possibility. Everyone can go to college; the only difference will be the type of institution each student will qualify for and be admitted to. If you know what college/university you are interested in attending, find out what their admission requirements are and what you need to do to meet them. Your counselor can help you with this process if you need assistance.
4. Can I still go to college if English is my second language and I still need improvement in my writing and speaking skills?
Utah colleges offer a variety of courses that can help students who need to improve their English. Ask about these classes when researching the school or when looking through the school Language programs.
5. Can I still go to college if I am undocumented?
Yes, there is no law that prohibits an undocumented student from attending college. The main factor to consider is the price of tuition. Please read the guide book for detailed information about your options.
6. What is HB 144 and how does it help undocumented students?
House Bill 144 (HB 144) is a Utah law that allows undocumented students who meet certain requirements to receive in-state tuition when paying for college/university. HB 144 does not grant undocumented students scholarships to pay tuition but rather allows them to pay the same tuition rate that a Utah Resident pays.
7. What type of grades do I need to get scholarships?
Certain scholarships will ask for a specific GPA to apply so it is always essential to read all the requirements. Most scholarships take other factors into account such as: school involvement, leadership positions, community service participation, awards and recognitions, and personal obstacles you have had to overcome. It is very important that you try your best throughout high school but if life circumstances have impacted your grades in a negative matter, use the personal statement as an opportunity to explain what has happened and why your grades have dropped in performance.
8. How can I access scholarship information?
Ask your counselor or college advisor at your school for a list of scholarships that are available for the academic year. A lot of times you can find a posting of available scholarships in the Counseling Center/Guidance Center. In addition you should contact the colleges you are applying to in order to find out specific scholarships for that institution. There are also many scholarship search engines which allow you to set up an account for free. These websites look for scholarships you qualify for and notify you as soon as possible.
Becas Disponibles Para Estudiantes Indocumentados
- The Somos Liberation Foundation Scholarship
- The Alliance for Unity Awards (SOLO para High School Seniors)
- The Alvin Cox Memorial Scholarship
- AES engineering Solutions
- Frank Kazmierczak Memorial Migrant Scholarship (Para Estudiantes Que Quieren Ser Maestros)
Scholarships for Undocumented Students In Utah!
- The Somos Liberation Foundation Scholarship
- The Alliance for Unity Awards (High School Seniors Only)
- The Alvin Cox Memorial Scholarship
- AES engineering Solutions
- Frank Kazmierczak Memorial Migrant Scholarship (For Students Seeking a Career as Teachers)